To commemorate the momentous occasion of India reaching a target of 100 crore COVID-19 vaccinations, Shri Rakesh Kumar, CEO, Meja Urja Nigam dedicated a Medical Oxygen Generator Plant at Aarogyam Hospital, Meja. The plant has two units of rated capacity 5m3/hour, and can supply medical oxygen at rate of 10 liters/ min to 16 connected hospital beds.
Speaking on the occasion, Shri Rakesh Kumar said that the oxygen plan has been established in line with our efforts to be fully prepared to counter any emergency situation in the event of a fresh COVID wave. He also expressed his gratitude to the scientists, doctors and healthcare workers of the country for reaching the ambitious target of 01 billion vaccine doses, under the inspiration and leadership of Honb’le Prime Minister of India.
Shri Anil Kumar, GM (O&M), Shri Navneet Goel, GM (Fin.), Shri Praveen Garg, AGM (HR), Shri Davendar Goel, AGM (FES), Dr. Bhavneesh Saman, CMO, Dr. Anjali, President (Aparajita Mahila Samaj) and other senior officials of the Company were also present on the occasion.